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Time Will Be No More
© By Pauline Hamblin

How long will I love you
Long after tomorrow ceases to be
For there is a bond between our hearts
Lasting a lifetime between you and me

I won't ever stop loving you
Even when time will be no more
For I will carry our love through eternity
And think of you on heaven's shore

I will always be forever faithful
And my love it will not end
For not only are you my lover
But you are my very best friend

The word love, it has great meaning
Especially when spoken by me to you
My heart has no room for another
For it is filled with a love that's true

Couples united like this in marriage think and breathe permanence, and their eternal happiness is based on this idea. For all these reasons they are no longer two but one person - that is, one flesh. To spiritual eyes it is plainly clear that they cannot be torn apart by either one's death.

This new thing should be added to these observations: that these two are not even separated by the death of one, since the spirit of the deceased husband or wife continues to live with the husband or wife who is not yet deceased. And this continues until the other one's death, when they meet again and reunite themselves and love each other more tenderly than before because they are in the spiritual world 

Emanuel Swedenborg, Love in Marriage, no. 321
first published in 1768



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